Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

We have the following students’ appeals for help to continue their studies.They all have been interviewed and had submitted all the relevant documents.
The names are omitted. They will be revealed to the donors if necessary.
Each of them need at least Rs.2000 a month.
Helping them even for one month will be greatly appreciated.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Nazli Mohamed < [email protected]>
Date: May 9, 2007 9:31 PM
Subject: Please send these details to some donor …they need MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: “Dr. Mareena Reffai” < [email protected]>, Mareena Reffai < [email protected]>



1. Medical Student 22 yrs Galle Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is 2nd year MBBS student in the Ruhunu University. Father is a salesman and receives a salary of Rs. 6000/- who is also a diabetic and is not regular in going to work depending on his medical condition, and mother is a housewife. She has a older brother who is working and younger brother who is an A/L student and sister who is in Grade 9. Her parents find it difficult to cope with the expenses towards her Degree (MBBS) due to the limited income. Her degree is from 2006 – 2011

2. Medical Student 23 yrs Samanthurai Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is 3rd year MBBS student in the Kelaniya University. Father was a farmer now he is drives another persons vehicle and gets a daily wage. He has 2 unmarried sisters and 5 brothers. He receives Rs. 2,500/- per month from The Mahapola Grant and The Baithulmaal gives him RS. 1500/- per month. He says that his financial condition is very critical since he wants to get at least one sister married off in the near future. He will finish his degree in 2009 January Insha Allah

3. Islamic studies & 21 yrs Earavur Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is a 2nd year Islamic studies and Arabic language student in the South Eastern University. Father was a bus conductor who had to retire due to old age. They get from the Bursary 2000/- Sri Lankan rupees per month, his mother is a housewife. He has 3 older sisters one sister who is 24 is also a University student and brother 17 who is in school. This student is also interested in serving the community and doing social work. He will finish his Degree in 2010.

4. Medical Student 21 years Maruthamunai Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is a 1st year Medical student in the Rajarata University Mihintale. Father is a Fisherman who earns around RS. 3000/- Sri Lankan rupees per month, his mother is a housewife. He has 1 older sister aged 23 staying at home and a younger sister aged 14 and two younger brothers aged 19 and 10 all schooling.

5. Medical Student 23 years Matale Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is a 2nd year Medical student in the Rajarata University Mihintale. Father is a Government Servant who earns a meager salary, her mother is a housewife. She has 1 younger sister and a younger brother. Her parents are also looking after their parents as well.

6.Medical Student 23 years Kalmunai Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is a 2nd year Unani Medical student in the Colombo University. Father is a Mechanic and her mother is a housewife. She has 2 younger sisters and a younger brother who are all in school. They were badly affected by the Tsunami, since their house was close to the sea it has been badly damaged but they somehow have managed to salvage what was left of it and continue to live there.

7. Faculty of Arts 23 years Toppur Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is an Arts student in the South Eastern University. He is from a very poor family, but he has been an outstanding student and shows signs of leadership. He has been involved in social services in his area. He has been the secretary of the Student Council and President of the Cultural committee in T/Al-Hambra Mahavidylaya Thoppur. His father is 61 years old and is a laborer and earns only about RS. 1000/- per month. They also get a Samurthi allowance. He is an older sister aged 32 who is married and an older brother aged 36 who is also married.

8. A poor mother has appealed to us to help her daughter continue her A�Level studies which had been stopped due to an accident in which her husband was injured. Her husband was working in the harbor as a laborer. Now he is staying at home unable to work. She has 6 children. She says that she has never approached anyone before to ask for any help except Almuslimaath. She is from Kalutara South.

9. Faculty of Arts 23 years Mutur Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is 1st year student studying in the Faculty of Arts in the South Eastern University. He hails from a very poor family. His father is a daily wage earner. The family was displaced 20 years ago and they have lost their properties. He is the oldest son and he has 4 younger sisters and one younger brother all schooling. His Father cannot manage the expenses for their studies. So sometimes Mujahith also goes and helps out his father to earn a little more.

10. Agriculture 24 years Polonnaruwa Deserving Male

Synopsis: – has been selected for the University of Agriculture in the Rajarata University situated in Anuradhapura. He hails from a poor family and has appealed to us to grant him a scholarship to help him with his higher studies.

11. Counseling Colombo Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is a student who is following the 18 months Diploma Course in Counseling conducted by the National Institute of Social Development. The course commenced on the 10th June 2006 and will finish on the 30th Dec 2007. He is unable to pay the fees. The course fee including registration to the particular study is RS. 20,300/- (Mareena you have made a note on the appeal mentioning that this student was recommended by Hamziya)

12.Arts Galle Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is a 3rd year student in the University of Peradeniya. She is the oldest in a family of 6. She has 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. Her father finds is difficult to meet the expenses of her University Studies. Father earns only about RS. 1400/- per month.

13. Arts 22 years Panadura Deserving Female

Synopsis: – hails from a poor family and at present is following an Arts Degree in the University of Colombo. Her father is a school teacher whose monthly income is RS. 10,000/- Mother is a housewife. They have no other income. She has 2 younger sisters (twins) and 2 younger brothers all schooling.

14. Arts 24 years Kekunugolla Deserving Female
Synopsis: – is a 2nd year Arts Student in the Peradeniya University. Her parents are divorced and they do not get anything from the Father. Mother does odd jobs and keeps the family going. Her older sister is also studying in the same University and she has 2 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers.

15. Arts 22 years Anuradhapura Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is in his 2nd year studying in the Faculty of Arts in the Peradeniya University. His father has left them, and mother is a housewife and not educated. He has a younger brother who is 15 years old and schooling. At present they are living with their maternal grandparents who are also old and poor. This family is undergoing extreme poverty and difficulties

16. Course in Teaching 24 years Earavur Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is doing a Diploma Course in Teaching, in the National College of Education in Aluthgama. Her father is living but sick. He is suffering from a gastro intestinal disease. Her older brother is following is studying Medicine in the Ruhunu University. Her other siblings (3) are all younger than her and schooling.

17. Arts 22 years Mutur Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is studying as a 2nd year student in the University of Peradeniya in the Arts Faculty. Her father is a laborer and a daily wage earner. The family consists of 5 members. She has an older brother and an older sister.

18. Arts 20 years Nintavur Deserving Female

Synopsis: – is studying in the South Eastern University. They are Tsunami victims. She has 2 younger brothers aged 19 and 7. Father is a laborer and mother a housewife. They cant even afford to renovate their house which has been partly damaged by the Tsunami.

19. Arts 24 years Mutur Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is a 2nd year student in the Faculty of Arts in the South Eastern University. Father is a laborer and earns around RS. 1400/- per month. Sujath has 2 older sisters who have to be given in marriage. Father had been a farmer but due to the ethnic and terrorist violence in 1989 and 1990 he has lost his house and property. He also has a younger brother who is schooling (A�Level). They are also bringing up 2 orphans as well. They are living well below the poverty line.

20. Management Kalmunai Deserving Male

Synopsis: – is following a Management and Information Technology Course in the University of Kelaniya. He is in his 3rd year. His father is a coolie and earns around RS. 4,500/- per month. There are 5 children in the family. They were affected by the recent Tsunami and 15 of their relatives plus their belongings. They are 2 homeless families living with them. Irfan�s father finds its too difficult to take care of all of them plus pay for his son�s education.

21. Info. Technology 23 years Mutur Deserving Male
22. Physical Sc. 23 years Mutur Deserving Male

Synopsis: -are twin brothers. One is in the University of Moratuwa and the other is in the South Eastern University. Father is a retired Security officer who worked at the Sri Lanka Ports Authority. He gets a pension of RS. 6000/- per month. There is one sister who is schooling.

May Allah guide us all on the straight path,

Wa Alaikum Salam Rahmathullahi wa barakaathuhu

Nazli Mohamed Ali


14.5.2007 : 8 students sponsored so far. alhamdulillah

21.5.2007 : 16 students sponsored. alhamdulillah !

30.5.2007 : All students are sponsored, masha allah !

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