Update:This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah! closed for donations.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!
There is this couple, both reverts, well known to me personally, who had dedicated their lives for propagation of Islam. Many a time they would take a revert and keep in their humble home till they learn the basics Islamic practices.

They live a in a rented home and earn by a communication center where they have this foreign calls facility. The wife sews garments out of cut pieces from Maharagama and gives to shops. Every year the rental advance is a problem for them.

A kind hearted person has come forward to sell 5 perches of land for half the price to them specially because of their da’wa activities. This will cost Rs. 125,000, but this couple does not have the money to pay for this.

They say if the land is obtained they will put up even a hut and live there.
Would you like to help?



27.4.2007 : A donor has come forward to pay in full. masha allah la howla wa la quwwatha illa billah.

28.4.2007: Rs.15,000 donated for the house too,alhamdulillah !

Moneys had been paid to the couple.


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