Assalamu alaikum.

We are pleased to announce the re-starting of our 4 months course for young girls, as per information given below.

We receive appeals from poor families where the girls are very keen to follow this course. It costs them Rs.60,000 per child.

If you would like to sponsor one or more girls it would go a long way in changing our community for the better.

Remember when you educate a girl you educate a generation.

Almuslimaath had been successfully conducting a very popular 4 months course for young girls, teaching them Quran, sunna, fiqh, cookery,sewing, computer and various other life skills to make them efficient daughters, wives and mothers as well as professionals. They are also taught thajweed as well as practical lessons on islamic life. The Academy is in Dehiwala.

These courses were halted due to covid 19 epidemic for the last 2 years.

We are happy to announce that we are re-starting the program from the 15th of this month. It is a residential course, for girls above the age of 16 with a nominal fee being charged. concessions are given for those who cannot afford. Reverts also can join the program.

For further information call the Principal, Mrs. Muzammil on 0771072284 or 0769480645 or 0776744104

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