Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

As usual this year too we have received many appeals from many parents struggling to buy stationery, school bags and shoes for their children for the coming year.
We at almuslimaath usually we provide these things to very poor students selected on the basis of being eligible to receive zakath.
For most of these parents educating the children is the only hopeful light at the end of the tunnel.
The cost of the package for the students are as follows:
Grade 1 to 3 = Rs. 350 per child
Grade 4 to Grade 9 = Rs. 750 per child
Grade 10 upwards = Rs. 1000 per child.
Obviously this is one of the greatest charities since we are “helping them to learn to fish rather than give them fish.”


May Allah bless the donors & their families!

Book Distribution at Darun Nusra, 2016



Book Distribution 2016

More Pics :


Alhamdhulillah! Project completed!

5 Responses

  1. We received a kind donation of Rs. 5,000 made for the sake of Allah

    May Allah bless you and your family and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.

  2. We received a kind donation of Rs. 10,000 made for the sake of Allah

    May Allah bless you and your family and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.

  3. We received kind donations of Rs. 1,750/-, 15,000/- & 1,000/- respectively made for the sake of Allah

    May Allah bless you and your familes and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.

  4. We received kind donations of Rs. 13,200/-, 1,500/- & 5,000/- respectively made for the sake of Allah

    May Allah bless you and your familes and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.

  5. We received kind donations of Rs. 143,385/= & 117,096/= respectively made for the sake of Allah

    May Allah bless you and your familes and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years, and most of all, grant you all Jannathul Firdouse in the akhira.

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