Human Appeal International Australia would like to wish you and your families the most blessed and beneficial Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of charity and generosity. It is a month filled with goodness and a time to remember the poor and needy around the world.

Many this Ramadan are suffering such as the millions of Syrians living in horrific conditions. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Yemeni people are displaced with little support. The Burmese refugees have nowhere to go and the people of Gaza are still facing severe hardship. Ramadan is the time to help bring them ease from their daily suffering and maximise your

Please do not forget them this Ramadan. Many will have no access to the many privileges we enjoy and we call on you to seize the opportunity during this blessed month as Allah has commanded us to help the poor and needy. With your support and donations, Human Appeal International Australia will be able to reach this Ramadan InshaAllah more than quarter of a million beneficiaries in 25 destinations worldwide.

May this Ramadan be your most beneficial and blessed!


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