11th August 2021

Assalamu Alaikum

We at Almuslimaath wish to inform the public & our Generous and Kind Donors that we have handed over the administration and ownership of Golden Centre – Elders’ Home to our Matron Mrs Rukshana Anver from July 27th.

Commercial bank- Dehiwala bank account is no longer at use. Thereby, for contributions, kindly contact Mrs Rukshana at 0769912917 for the respective bank account details.
All dealings will solely be carried out under her supervision hereon.

However, we assure you the health and safety of the elders under the care and love of Mrs Rukshana.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAL) said,
“One way of showing highness to Allah is to honor the elderly Muslim,” -Ibn Majah’s hadith 3712-

Jazakallahu khairan
Best Regards,
Dr Mareena Reffai
Almuslimaath-Co ordinator


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