Update: This project is fully subscribed, alhamdulillah!  Closed for donations.

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
A family of five, with a sick child suffering from asthma, lives in the wooden house shown in the photo.



Recently the adjacent road has been raised by the authorities. Ever since then every time it rains coems the house gets flooded. The toilet content gets into the house. The neighbors have raise their floors but these couple has no way to do so.
It will cost Rs. 175,000 to raise the floor and cement it. the father says he will put up the house ( if we can call this one) again with the same material.
While we get into our cozy bed, the asthmatic child is wheezing on the wet floor. Can you imagine how we will be questioned in the akhira?


We received kind donations of Rs.100,000, 30,000/- & another 30,000/- respectively and effort made for the sake of Allah towards
Project this project.
Alhamdhulillah, three more donors donated 30,000/-, 10,000/- & 5,000/- respectively
Alhamdhulillah We got another donation of Rs 5,000/-
We received a kind donation of Rs. 50,000.00 (Rs.49,900) made for the sake of Allah
We received a kind donation of Rs. 5,000.00 made for the sake of Allah
We received a kind donation of Rs. 10,000.00 made for the sake of Allah
26/11/2015 We received a kind donation of Rs. 5,000.00 made for the sake of Allah
We received your kind donation of Rs. 5,000 made for the sake of Allah
May Allah bless you and your family and all those who contributed towards this and endow on all of you excellent prosperity in the future years.
Jazakallahu Khairan once again for your generosity.
While Constructing….
(450) Can you help these people pl?
Alhamdhulillah, After Completion…
(450) Can you help these people pl?



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