Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

As you are probably aware Almuslimaath runs Rainbow Center, a FREE school for the differently-abled ( commonly known as Disabled) children and adults, of all religion and races, called . This sector of  the society is a forgotten, neglected lot.

The parents are often poor with an additional burden of looking after a heavily dependent child.  The irony is, when properly guided and trained many of them become useful, self maintaining individual.

One girl has got married after coming here and another adult at 40 has been able to handle a paid job! Alhamdulillah, All praise belongs to Allah alone.

We had the school in a a small premise for which we  have been paying Rs.15000 a month but the owner has taken this house back for demolition.

Now we need a better place since we have more students joining. We are taking all, most of them are from poor family, without payment. We are also incorporating counselling for the family, giving financial help when necessary and placement of the adult students  in jobs when possible.

There are more than 2500 disabled children in and around Dehiwela/ Mt. lavinia. Most of them are eligible for zakath too.

We have found a suitable place for Rs. 35000 a month with one year deposit. (Rs. 420,000 = about 4000 USD)

Please  help them,  at least by part payment for the premises. Please?

May Allah give you much so that you can spend in His way more and more.


For all Remittances: 

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