Honourable Minister of Muslim Cultural Affairs,


Dear Sir,

Assalamu Alaikum

Request to set up a reliable Moon sighting Committee

You must be aware, no doubt, about the recent happenings of the moon sighting in Srilanka. The present Moon sighting Committee acted in a high handed manner and rejected genuine witnesses of moon sighting from more than 6 places of the country on unacceptable trivial issues and today, 15.6. 2018 the moon is visible for all to see proving that these witnesses were correct and the Moon sighting Committee was totally wrong.

This is not the first time this has happened, as you are well aware, and we feel your ministry should take responsibility for this important issue of moon sighting; therefore we urge you to appoint a fresh committee consisting of people who are knowledgeable of Quran and sunna and are genuinely God fearing when such an important matter is to be decided for the Srilankan Community as a whole.

We trust you will take immediate action on this matter as the whole Muslim community of Srilanka is perturbed by what has happened.

May Allah always guide all of us in the correct path.

Yours sincerely,

Sri Lankan Association of Muslim Women & Girls
Ph +94 (011) 2736577
P.O. Box 143, Dehiwela
E-Mail: [email protected]

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