Understand Quran

Word to word translation of quran at almuslimaath from 11am till 1pm on 14th of Sep. Call 0771072284 By Dr Mareena Reffai

An app to track dengue

Veta provides a simple, yet effective way to report and discover incidents of vector-borne diseases such as dengue. This enables Veta to provide you and your entire community with access to vital and potentially life-saving information. Click on the link below to download : https://veta.life/#download

Winners of Darun Nusra..

Assalamu Alaikum ww Three of our students received a gold chain with pendant for completing the recitation of Quran in July, 2016, Alhamdhulillah. May allah bless them with more success!

Enrolment for Madrasathul Ummul Mumineen

Assalamu Alaikum WW, Next intake of students for madrasathu ummul mumineen managed by almuslimaath will be on the 15th of Septemebr 2016 insh aallah. Here quran, hathees, fiqh, hifl and thajweed will be taught and in addition, cookery,sewing, computer, spoken English, house keeping, henna and grdenign willbe taught. rEsidnetial course fo 4 months. Call 0112739632/0771072284/ […]

Lady Ridgeway Hospital – A hospital unlike others…

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO OUR MUSLIMS WHO RUSH TO PRIVATE HOSPITALS EVEN FOR MINOR ILLNESSES. I fully endorse the views expressed by Mr. Prasi Bandaranayake having gone through an agonizing period when my grandson 7 months old Grandson’s   platelet count began to drop. Oh! God the services and attentions from the Doctors to nurses were […]

Medicine Scholarship For Orphens…

Higher study (Medicine) scholarship for Orphan girls at Turkey! Minimum qualification: university entrance marked “YES” in Science stream. For detail 0773171720

‘Iqra book 1’ -Free Distribution

We have 1000 ‘Iqra 1’ books for teaching to recite Quran with thajweed to be given for free. Send appeal to the office of almuslimaath or call 0112736577 No 02, Botheju Avenue, Off School Lane, Station Road, Dehiwela, Sri Lanka

Ummul mumineen madrasa course

Ummul mumineen madrasa course open for dayscholars too. Quran, hathees etc. only R’s. 5000 per month. Call 0771072284

(449) Wonderful opportunity to young girls! Free preschool teacher training.

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu As you all know Almuslimaath has been conducting the famous and popular 4 months residential course at Madrasathu Ummil Mumineen for young girls after O/L and A/L for more than 10 years. While educating the girls on Quran, sunna, fiqh, hifl and thajweed this course also includes cookery,sewing, computer, spoken English, […]

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