However much one may strive, unless we stop breeding places for the  mosquitoes the anti dengue measures are likely to fail. Fining, threatening, fogging and cleaning the drains in the lanes are all secondary. Until and unless the households recognize this fact no amount of these measures are likely to succeed.
First of all the housewives must be convinced that these measures need to be done to prevent THEIR OWN KITH AND KIN TOBE PROTECTED. Others, the country all come second. When this important factor is driven into the minds of people they will not only do the cleaning willingly but thoroughly too.
For this daily reminders must be given to the people, mainly the mothers. Daily this fact must be mentioned in the radio talks, TV talks and it must be in every newspaper, on the first page  as a red warning. Daily the areas in which Dengue has been detected must be publicized on TV, radio and newspapers. These areas must be declared as Red alert areas and the people must be given extra warning to protect their own people by cleaning up. Stickers must be seen on the three wheelers, cars and bathroom mirrors.
The mosquitoes breed in water for about 10- 12 days, therefore once a week a day must be declared as cleaning day throughout  the nation.
The mothers must be given a check list with the following emphasized:
• Keep gutters clean and unclogged.
• Keep  water tanks covered .  make sure the cisterns of the commode are covered or checked routinely for mosquito eggs.
• Drill holes in the bottom of any garbage or recycling containers stored outdoors.
• Walk around  your property after a rain, and soon after watering and look for areas in the landscape that are not draining well, pots having stagnant water, plants holding water .
• Ornamental ponds should be aerated to keep water moving or the ponds must be stocked  with mosquito-eating fish. Birdbaths to be cleaned every three to five days
• Clean  anything that holds water twice per week eg: tray under the fridge, bird baths, vases
• Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated, even when not in use.
• All Garbage like  coconut shells, sili sili bags, fish tins, rambutan skin etc. to be put into covered containers, not thrown outside. Ideally every house hold must be provided with a compost bin so that they can put these things straight into them, not only to prevent dengue, but also as a money spinning venture by producing compost.
Other precautions:
Close doors and windows by 5pm
Wear long sleeved dresses and pants /long skirts
Use mosquito nets /coils, Mats, Liquid etc.
Betel leaf paste to be kept in the bed rooms, study rooms
Mosquito repellant plants – maduru thala, sera, vinka etc.  to be planted in every possible nook and corner of the houses.
Lava traps to be set up in every house.
Actually though the list seems long, the practicality does not take much effort. If only we start thinking in planned way sensibly, rather than unplanned ad hoc, method, certainly we can eradicate dengue in no time.
Don’t we all know that : When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Sent by:
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai,
23A, Auburn side, Dehiwela
Phone 0777707775

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