Assalamu alaikum dear Brothers & Sisters,

With a deep regret and fear of answering my creator I write this mail. Pictures attached speak volumes. This is the pathetic state of a 132 years old Arabic Madrasa which accommodates 142 students in Puttalam. Students are from a less privileged background who can not afford to pay a reasonable amount and the madrasa runs under charity.

The lavatories and the kitchen are the worst basic needs of this once renowned madrasa which has produced many eminent scholars in Sri Lanka. From the picture we can realize that we are treating our future scholars/moulavis like beggars and expecting an outcome with more quality. No wonder why our mimbers failed. We point to the poor sermons of the moulavis but we never nurtured the sermon deliverer. Yet we go to them every now and then from birth to death for our needs. In our day to day extravagant spending we justify saying ‘good things no cheap’ and our Madrasas are always placed cheep in our minds.

My pain is this: washcomoms in our homes are more beautiful than the kitchen and dining area of this madrasa. One day I’ll be asked of my wealth and spending by Allah. I do not intend to preach but let me stop saying this pointing to me, I’m accumulating wealth for someone to enjoy (children and relatives) after my death with no assurance whether they’ll spend in my name.

Pls consider about this perpetual charity (sadaqa jariah) for the sake of Allah. This madrasa definitely needs a new building to replace the age old kitchen building which can collapse very soon. Even a partial assistance can help them cope with this pressing need.

If someone is intending to help this madrasa pls reply to me and Insha Allah I’ll connect you to this Madrasa. Sorry, I’m hesitated to reveal the name.

With Salam,

Imthath Basar

My blog:
‘Md. Imthath’ [email protected]

From Dr.Reffai
Sri Lankan Association of Muslim Women & Girls
Ph +94 (011) 2736577
P.O. Box 143, Dehiwela
E-Mail: [email protected]

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