Assalamu alaikum.

Almuslimaath has been training young girls after O/L and A/L to achieve the best potential in religious and secular knowledge in order to make them accomplished daughters, wives, mothers and citizens. We have been conducting the 4 month residential course at Madrasathu Ummil Mumineen for the last 16 years alhamdulillah.

At present we are training 10 girls from very poor families who cannot afford to pay the fees. We are also taking mentally challenged young girls and training them to become self managing and this requires extra teachers and extra training hours in addition to the usual expenditure of rental, food, teaching materials, water and electricity bills as well as the salaries of the trainers.

We are looking for a suitable premises for them at low rental in Dehiwala as well as kind donors who can sponsor at least one child, at the rate of Rs. 10000 per month.

For further details please call 0777707775 or 0771072284/81

For any donation the bank account is as follows:

Commercial bank,

Galle Road,


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