Assalamu Alaikum WW

Our House of Benevolence, Darun Nusra houses orphans and destitute children and we need help to feed the children. We have 16 children, varying from 6 years to 14 years of age; including food, clothes, salaries of staff, transport to and from school and utility bills we need Rs. 10000 à month per child i.e. total of Rs. 160,000 every month. We also have to pay Rs. 120,000 per month as a loan repayment for the van we have bought to transport them to the school.
For feeding, we need Rs. 6000 per day for all three meals for all the inmates. We have no fixed donors for these expenditures.

Please organise a meal a day, or send dry rations or help us pay the monthly expenses.

Looking after orphans and destitute children, needless to say, is of great merit and you can spend out of your zakath for them.

–For all Remittances

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