As you are aware our Darun nusra ( House of Benevolence) caters for orphans, destitutes, street children and abused children; we house them, feed them, educate them and either find jobs for them or get them married or sometimes find a relative who will safely house them while we provide for the child’s upkeep. So this is a transit home for the needy children and women.

We do not have fixed income or a donor for this worthwhile service. we have been running on well wishers’ donations and of recent times we have been finding it difficult to make ends meet.

At any given time usually there are 25 – 30 people in this place. it costs us just Rs.10,000 a day for meals and utility bills.

Therefore we are requesting kind hearted people to donate just Rs. 10000=47GBP = 70 USD for one day a year for their upkeep.

All the children here are zakath eligible.
We will allocate your donation for one day in the year. Would you please donate at least for one day?

For all Remittances:

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