Assalamu Alaikum

As you might have heard by now, unprecedented rains have wreaked havoc – and still wreaking havoc – in Srilanka. Land slides, floods up to roof levels, whole village wiped out and impossible to even approach the area for search and help due to continuing mud slides; people seeking shelter in schools and places of worship, schools closed; some areas reached by boats to rescue people from roof tops and trees. To say it is terrible is an understatement.
It was expected that the rains will subside in a day or two but it is continuing unabated in certain areas and the water levels keep rising.
While the government and the people are doing their best to feed and clothe the victims, the people find it difficult even to go back into the houses as their total possessions are soaked and damaged.
Rehabilitation of these areas are going to be a long process and costly. Immediately they need food, medicine and clothes; midterm needs will be cleaning and re entry into houses and long term – repair and rebuilding of houses damaged in the process.
Ramadhan is just around the corner and we all have to help them to fast. We will need much more dry ration packs than previous years.
At present they need food and water. And medicine for illnesses associated with such situations.
Please help with whatever you can. Every bit helps.
You can remit your sadaqa/ zakath

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