Dry Rations – Ramadan Donations

Contribute to the Ummah, this Ramadan, by donating dry rations to the poor and needy! May Allah bless you, your family and increase you in rizq, Ameen. Bank transfer to :  Account name -ALMUSLIMAATH Account number 1580008015 Bank- Commercial Bank Bank Branch- Dehiwala Swift code: CCEYLKLX

Cash / Bank Transfer Donations 2024

Contribute to the Ummah, this Ramadan, by donating financially to the poor and needy! May Allah bless you, your family and increase you in rizq, Ameen A- Families with 2 or less members Rs 5000/= B- Families with 3 or 4 members Rs 8000/=  C- Families with 5 or more members Rs 10,000/= Bank transfer […]

Ramadan Donations in Kind/ Cash

Support those in need this Ramadan by donating food packs or cash. Contact us for more information.  0770891291/0771072281 @almuslimath (instagram)/ Almuslimaath page on Facebook. Bank transfer to :  Account name -ALMUSLIMAATH Account number 1580008015 Bank- Commercial Bank Bank Branch- Dehiwala Swift code: CCEYLKLX   “Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break […]

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