Company overview
About our team

At Almuslimaath we believe firstly; in the power of Allah, the Almighty and Most Generous, and when He allows us to do so;  we try to make a positive impact in the world. Our platform serves as a bridge between those who have the means and the desire to give, and those who are in need of support. With a mission to create a more compassionate and equitable society, we facilitate meaningful connections and empower individuals and organizations to make a difference.

Established in 1990, Almuslimaath is a registered charitable organisation dedicated to the empowerment and education of women across Sri Lanka. Our mission is to enable women to achieve self-sufficiency, thereby fortifying the fabric of society in all its dimensions – physical, moral, and financial.

Alhamdulilah, in the last 33 years of operation we have forged partnerships with over 58 organisations, cultivating understanding and collaboration with our valued donors and partners. Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, we operate independently, with no affiliations elsewhere or branches anywhere in the world. 

Our vision is of a society where every woman can thrive peacefully, self-reliantly, and knowledgeably, by the will of Allah. We remain steadfast in our commitment to this vision, guided by our faith and driven by our dedication to serving humanity

Al Muslimaath Sri Lanka's Foremost Women's Funding Organization


Al Muslimaath Sri Lanka's Foremost Women's Funding Organization


Al Muslimaath Sri Lanka's Foremost Women's Funding Organization